125. Importance of reduce workforce | Selection and decision-making criteria for a Distributed Control Systems in the process industry - Results |
Count | Percent | Response |
30 | 25,21% | 4 Important - Should have |
23 | 19,33% | 5 Very important - Must have |
21 | 17,65% | 2 Not very important - Nice to have if easy to implement |
19 | 15,97% | 3 Somewhat important - Nice to have |
12 | 10,08% | 6 Extreme important - Must have (knock-out criteria) |
7 | 5,88% | 1 Not important at all - No interest and no need |
3 | 2,52% | Abstain, No interest and no objection |
3 | 2,52% | No opinion |
1 | 0,84% | Don't know |